The challenges are significant for publishers and advertisers with the impending end of third-party cookies. A paradigm shift is essential, as 80% of open web audiences could become unreachable. The cookieless era demands a new approach, focusing on immediate user attention or the semantics of visited pages. The possibilities are numerous, and the industry must reinvent itself and innovate to sustain the market, protecting publishers from the dominance of major platforms, all without relying on cookies.
In a context where consumers are increasingly concerned about the exploitation of their personal data, the end of cookies will inevitably lead to a decline in consent rates, thus limiting advertisers' ability to precisely and effectively target their audiences. The impact on the valuation of monetized audiences, and consequently on advertising revenue, will be significant. Therefore, the ecosystem must accelerate its transformation to comply with deadlines and adopt alternative, cookieless, and consentless solutions. Originally published on Strategies.
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