Digital advertising: Five golden rules to prepare for the end of third-party cookies

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
Digital advertising: Five golden rules to prepare for the end of third-party cookies

Key points

Tracking tools used to track Internet users and target their advertising interests, third-party cookies will be permanently banned from our browsers by 2022. A 'victory' for privacy... but a major blow for advertisers fearing the end of targeted advertising. This disappearance, which has begun, however, paves the way for targeting that is just as effective as it is respectful of our personal data.

Rethink advertising strategies now

Already removed from Firefox and Safari, third-party cookies will quickly become an endangered advertising species. Their programmed end leads to the rarefaction of a large part of user data, the historical grail of digital advertising. At a forced pace, the ecosystem is facing a major challenge, that of reinventing advertising targeting and to think (quickly) about the place they now want to occupy in their market. Their new challenge: to identify 'cookieless' solutions that allow them to get rid of their dependence on data-centric technologies.

The value of the broadcast context

With the evolution of regulations and the gradual death of third-party cookies, advertising performance will now require the control of the content and the context of distribution. Brands will benefit from seeking the adequacy of their advertising message with the editorial content of a site. The heyday of digital advertising based on personal data has made us forget a relevant solution for targeting consumers without intruding into their private lives: contextual targeting. Without cookies, it allows advertisers to push their campaigns in contexts where Internet users' attention is at the highest on a given subject.Read the article on Influencia.

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