4 values that it is becoming essential to instill in your employees

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4 values that it is becoming essential to instill in your employees

Key points

At a time of hybrid work, hyper-connection and the need for meaning at work, employees are looking for inspiring and reassuring companies with strong values. A real driver of employer brand, values define the way in which candidates and employees perceive and identify with the company. What are these essential values to instill into your employees in order to perpetuate the company?


Collective intelligence consists in using the collective to carry out a task or achieve a goal. In a professional situation, the involvement of employees in the evolution and transformations of the company makes each employee an actor of change. Collective intelligence allows everyone to be valued and to find their role in the company. In addition, each employee brings distinct expertise and skills to the collective. The solicitation of this multitude of expertise will considerably enrich exchanges and reflections. By creating a common and unifying goal, this mode of operation also leads to a decompartmentalization of teams. It is an ideal playground for developing the skills of corporate talent.


The democratization of remote work has radically transformed the way in which the feeling of belonging is diffused in the corporate community. It has become essential to create synergies within teams, both in physical moments and in remote moments. Even more, it is important to spread the company culture in the same way and with the same intensity for remote workers and employees in the office in order to maintain a balance. A clear vision, regular sharing of information, bilateral trust, consideration of everyone's efforts and the sanctification of collective time are pillars that contribute to the strengthening of the sense of belonging. In order to maintain this link, it must first be created by the management team before being adopted by employees.


Excellence is often a value put forward by companies. However, one element is frequently forgotten: excellence does not exist without risk taking... and without some failures. Taking risks is part of the life of employees and it is a driving force for the company: without risks, the company does not advance. This is how teams learn and strengthen themselves. Difficulties and obstacles, which are unavoidable in the life of a company, must be considered as opportunities. This is how team resilience is born, and that is their value. However, the sine qua non condition for setting up such a dynamic is trust. Trust is the basis for transforming difficulties into opportunities in a sustainable way while maintaining the mental load of employees. This trust must then be worked on and maintained on a daily basis, in person and remotely.


Employees, as well as managers, must be in a dynamic of continuous learning to develop and develop their skills, just like learning companies. To do so, management must listen to teams in order to cultivate their ability to innovate. Understanding the training needs of teams, their strengths and their difficulties will offer managers a road map to make each employee an asset whose value is exponential. This constant increase in skills will also increase the potential for employees to develop tenfold in their professional lives. In short, this culture of learning and listening gives way to innovation, which is the keystone of a company's success.

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