Qwarry offers an innovative offer as an alternative to user targeting

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
Qwarry offers an innovative offer as an alternative to user targeting

Key points

Created just a few months ago, the startup has already convinced several advertisers and agencies with the promise of maximizing the attention and engagement of Internet users without collecting any private data.

Today, the programmatic market is based almost exclusively on the collection of private user data.Browsing history, geolocation, socio-demographic data, everything is meticulously collected, analyzed and modelled to feed the targeting of programmatic campaigns. However, the increased importance of brand safety, the evolution of the legal framework with the RGPD and the upcoming disappearance of cookies within browsers have redistributed the cards and are now forcing market players to find alternative targets and get out of the user data. Qwarry offers an innovative semantic marketing platform that addresses all of these issues. Read the full article on Ratecard.

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