Qwarry, the French guy who wants to give brands a taste for semantic targeting.

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
Qwarry, the French guy who wants to give brands a taste for semantic targeting.

Key points

The start-up allows advertisers to adapt the distribution of their advertising campaigns to the semantic context. The offer will be offered in self-service by the end of the year.

RGPD obliges, the advertising market is now looking for alternatives to audience targeting that programmatic has made so popular. The start-up Qwarry therefore decided to rely on semantic analysis to allow advertisers to broadcast their ads in relevant editorial contexts. “The growing distrust of Internet users in the use of their data and the increasing restrictions imposed by Safari and Chrome have prompted us to favor a targeting method that does not exploit any data relating to the user”, confirms the co-founder of French adtech, Geoffrey Berthon. It is no longer a question of optimizing the distribution of the advertising campaign in order to reach a specific type of Internet user... but simply of focusing on the contexts where this population is most likely to go. Under the hood of Qwarry, we find a deep learning algorithm based on NLP, automatic natural language processing. This algorithm will first sift through the advertiser's content (websites, campaign text, etc.) and assign them a semantic profile. “The language used by two actors in the same sector can vary very strongly, which is why this analysis is important,” adds Geoffrey Berthon. If they both do retail banking, the semantic profile of a Hello Bank, which is primarily aimed at young people, differs from that of a more premium bank like HSBC.Read the full article on JDN.

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