Qwarry wants to revolutionize the advertising market

Is your marketing strategy ready for a cookieless environment? Discover the challenges and solutions for advertising without third-party cookies.
Qwarry wants to revolutionize the advertising market

Key points

The latest recommendations from the CNIL tightening the procedures for collecting user consent have buried the advertising cookie model, which is expected to disappear in the coming years.

It is against this background that Qwarry, a young company from Normandy, has been offering a semantic targeting solution for a year now without any cookies or user data. An avant-garde proposal that has just obtained the support of Normandie Participations, West Web Valley, West Web Valley, Apicap and Crédit Agricole Innove en Normandie — which have invested €2 million . ” Semantics allows us to offer unique targeting, reaching the attention of Internet users as closely as possible, because the advertising message is inserted according to the content read in real time by Internet users and not based on data previously collected on them. ” explains Julie Walther, co-founder of Qwarry. With this capital increase, the Normandy start-up intends to recruit up to thirty employees in its R&D center in Caen by the end of 2020. And thus address its semantic data to advertisers, publishers and media agencies.Read the full article on Les Echos.

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